Save Fit

Select the Save Fit tab of the Fit Distributions Results dialog box to access the options described here.

Variables << >>
If more than one variable is selected for the analysis, you can switch between them via the Variables << and >> buttons (or use the adjacent drop-down menu).
Customize distributions
Click this button to display the Define distributions dialog box, where you can customize the parameter estimates for each fitted distribution as well as specify a custom range from which to simulate data. Select the Use custom distributions check box (described below) to enable this button.
Use custom distributions
Select this check box to use the custom distributions that were specified in the Define distributions dialog. Clear the check box to disable the custom distributions.

. Click this button to move the selected distribution to the top of the list.

. Click this button to move the selected distribution up one row in the list.

. Click this button to move the selected distribution down one row in the list.

. Click this button to move the selected distribution to the bottom of the list.

Click the Correlations button to create a correlation matrix of all of the selected variables.
Distribution summary statistics
Click the Distribution summary statistics button to create the distribution summary spreadsheet, which contains the summary of all goodness of fit tests and the corresponding parameter estimates for each distribution.
Save distribution fit
Click the Save distribution fit button to create a STATISTICA correlation matrix with the distribution fit information appended to the Variable Properties of each column. The matrix spreadsheet can be used as input for the analysis when you click the Run simulation button. The matrix spreadsheet is always in a stand-alone window (regardless of the settings in the Analysis/Graph Output Manager) with four additional cases at the bottom of the data file that identify it as a matrix spreadsheet (see Matrix File Format). In order to save the matrix spreadsheet, select it and then select Save or Save As from the File menu. STATISTICA will then detect that the spreadsheet is in this special matrix form, and set the default file extension to .smx. This makes it easier to distinguish the file later.