Connect Embedded Data to a Disk File

This dialog box is displayed when you select Embed Document on Save from the Nodes menu of the Statistica workspace or the equivalent shortcut menu. If the respective data source is currently embedded into the project workspace (saved with the workspace when that workspace was saved), then selecting this option un-embeds the data source and links it back to a data file stored on your system. The purpose of this dialog box is to locate that data file on your system, or to create it if it currently does not exist (or you don't want to save over the original data file).
Option Description
Embedded data files In general, the nodes (icons) identifying data files (sources) inside a workspace can either represent links to the data that reside somewhere on your system, or they can represent the actual data themselves, which physically reside inside the project. In practical terms, when a data source is embedded into a project and you e-mail this project to a colleague, that colleague can select View Document from the Nodes menu to review and edit the actual data that are analyzed by the current project. When a data source is not embedded into a project and you e-mail the project to a colleague, then that individual cannot review the actual data and, hence, cannot re-run the analyses defined in the project. Of course, workspace projects that contain their data sources as embedded documents are usually larger since they must store the actual data, so the options for embedding or not embedding (in particular, large) data files provide greater flexibility for managing your files.
Un-embedding previously embedded data sources When a project contains embedded data sources and you want to un-embed those data sources, there are two possibilities: Either you can locate the original data file (that is identical to the embedded data source) and connect to that data file (that is, store a reference to that file in the data miner project instead of the actual data), or you can save the embedded data to a new file, and in that manner establish the link or reference of the respective data source to actual data stored on your system.
The embedded document was originally copied from This field shows the location of the data file to which to connect the current data source (after un-embedding it, in order to replace the actual data inside the data miner project with a reference to the data file on your system).
Browse for the file/Reattach to the original document If the data source that is to be un-embedded cannot be referenced to a data file on your system (the data file shown in the field described above is not found), then the Browse for the file option button is displayed. If the data file exists (the data file can be found), the Reattach to the original document option button is displayed. Either way, select this option so that on clicking OK you can either browse to (find) the file to connect to or reattach to the file named in the field at the top of the dialog.
Save new copy of the embedded document Saves the currently embedded data to a new data file on your system; after un-embedding the data source, the project workspace then contains a reference to that new data file.
OK Un-embeds the data source, and to resolve the reference to the actual data file (on your system) as requested by the previous options.
Cancel Cancels the current operation.