3D Categorized XYZ Plots

Creates 3D Categorized XYZ plots for all combinations of 2 (x, y) predictors vs. a dependent (z) variable.

Element Name Description
Graph type Specifies graph type.
Fit type Applies to surface and contour plots only; select the type of surface to fit to the data.
Deviation level Applies to deviation and space plots only; specify a value on the z-axis that determines the level from which deviations are derived; or in the case of space plots, this value determines the z-level of the X-Y plane.
Number of planes Applies to spectral plots only; specify the number of spectral planes into which the data are segmented (compressed).
Multiple r[z/xy] Applies to scatterplots, space plots, spectral plots, and deviation plots; select this option to display the Multiple R(z/xy) and p-value on the graph.
Category type Specifies the type of categorization to use for the X-categorical variable.
 Note that if codes are available, they will be used instead.
Number of intervals Specifies the number of intervals to use when the categorization type is set to categories.
 Note that if codes are available, they will be used instead.