Support Vector Machines - Kernels Tab

Select the Kernels tab of the Support Vector Machines dialog box to access the options described here.

Kernel type
Select an option in this group box to specify the type of kernels to be used in constructing the feature space of the SVM model. These options include:
Select this option button to use linear kernels for the SVM model.
Select this option button to use polynomial kernels for the SVM model.
Select this option button to use Radial Basis Function kernels for the SVM model.
Select this option button to use sigmoid kernels for the SVM model.
Kernel parameter(s)
Select an option in this group box to specify the value of the parameter(s) used by the SVM kernels (for more details, see the Support Vector Machines Introductory Overview). They include:
In this field, specify the degree of the polynomial kernel.
In this field, specify the gamma parameter (for polynomial, RBF, and sigmoid kernels).
In this field, specify the coefficient parameter (for polynomial and sigmoid kernels).