Repeatability & Reproducibility Design - Data Files Tab
Select the Data files tab of the Repeatability & Reproducibility Design dialog box to access the options described here. When displaying or saving the design in this format, the data file (or spreadsheet) will contain grouping variables with codes (e.g., 1, 2, 3,...) to indicate to which level of each factor (Operator, Part, Trial), each observation belongs.
In this format, the respective data file can be analyzed with all other Statistica modules that analyze grouped data (e.g., ANOVA/MANOVA, Breakdown Tables in the Basic Statistics module, etc.).
Summary: Display design. Click the Summary: Display design button to display a spreadsheet that specifies the combinations of levels of the different factors in the study. The spreadsheet contains an extra blank column; thus, you can print the spreadsheet to produce a convenient data entry form.
- Save design
- Click the
Save design button to display the observed table in a standard Statistica spreadsheet (created in an individual window, regardless of the settings in the Options dialog box - Output Manager tab or the Analysis/Graph Output Manager dialog box). You can, however, add the spreadsheet to a workbook or report using the
buttons, respectively. Note that in order to save the spreadsheet, you must select the spreadsheet and select Save or Save As from the File tab or menu. The design will be saved according to your selection of the option buttons described below.
- Randomize trials
- Select the Randomize trials option button to randomize the parts within trial and operator. Randomization is a recommended procedure, so that any systematic differences due to the order in which parts are measured does not bias the results (for example, operators may tire, leading to less precise measurements of parts later in the study).
- Standard order
- Select the
Standard order option button to display and save in standard order the parts within trial and operator.
See also the Variance Components and Mixed Model ANOVA/ANCOVA, Experimental Design (DOE), and Visual General Linear Model (GLM) modules.