Node Browser

The Node Browser is opened from a Statistica Workspace toolbar. This tool is available for Statistica users, but the analytic nodes you have access to depend on the type of installation you have, that is, Enterprise and Data Miner installations contain more nodes than base installations. The Node Browser is used to organize and display nodes to create a visual analytic workspace. The organization of nodes can be fully configured and customized. Different Node Browser configurations can be saved with different names.

You can also use the Node Browser to search for nodes (click the All folder where all nodes are listed in alphabetical order), look at the 20 most recently used nodes (click the Recent folder), and mark nodes as favorites (stored in the Favorites folder in alphabetical order).
Option Description
Node Browser configurations and analytic projects Each Statistica Workspace is associated with a Node Browser configuration. However, you can have multiple Node Browsers open at the same time, and select nodes from any one of them to insert individual nodes into a currently active workspace. Therefore, you can create a customized Node Browser configuration for an analytic project and link it to a specific workspace.
Drag-and-drop editing of the Node Browser configuration The manner in which nodes and folders in the Node Browser can be edited follows the standard Windows-based conventions. For example, you can:
  • Copy and paste nodes between folders and different Node Browsers.
  • Drag nodes between folders and different Node Browsers.
  • Drag one or more highlighted nodes in a Node Browser into the workspace.
Adding custom nodes to the Node Browser How to Write .svx Scripts for Data Miner contains specific details and examples on how to write Statistica Visual Basic scripts (example, to call Statistica analysis procedures and routines) for Statistica Data Miner, and how to make them available to the program, that is, how to insert custom nodes into the Node Browser. Every node in the Node Browser represents two different files:
  • Statistica Visual Basic (SVB) program file (file name extension .svx), which contains the logic that wraps the Statistica functionality (analytic routines, data management operations) into moveable objects or nodes that can be freely combined and connected in data miner projects (work spaces)
  • parameters file (file name extension .dmi), which contains descriptions and values of the parameters for the particular node (example, number of iterations, method of estimation)

To add a custom node to the Node Browser, create those files, place them into the desired directories of your Statistica installation, and then use the standard Windows tools to drag the parameters file (.dmi file) from the Windows Explorer into the Node Browser. Alternatively, in the Node Browser, you can select Import New Node from the toolbar to display the Open dialog box, where you can locate the respective .dmi file and place it into the current Node Browser (configuration).

Restoring defaults Statistica Data Miner and Statistica Enterprise are shipped from the manufacturer with hundreds of nodes, arranged into a default set of Node Browser folders. If you want to restore the default All Validated Procedures configuration (example, after you inadvertently deleted some nodes), click the Restore Defaults button in the Browser Options dialog box.
Current Node Browser Configuration In the upper-left corner of the Node Browser is a drop-down list containing all currently available Node Browser configurations. All Validated Procedures configuration is the default.

To change the current Node Browser configuration, select the desired configuration from the drop-down list; the left (folder) and right (nodes) panes of the current Node Browser automatically repopulate to show the available folders and nodes for the chosen configuration.

Insert the selected nodes into workspace Inserts the currently highlighted nodes (in the right pane of the Node Browser) into the current Workspace. If in that Workspace you currently have selected (highlighted) a data source, the selected nodes automatically connect to that data source.
Insert the selected nodes into workspace and run the project Inserts the currently highlighted nodes (in the right pane of the Node Browser) into the current Workspace, connect it to the currently highlighted data source, and automatically run (update) the nodes.
Create a new Node Browser configuration Displays the New Browser dialog box, where you can create a new Node Browser configuration and set it as the default configuration for a new Node Browser that is automatically created. The New Browser dialog box provides various options for naming and labeling the new Node Browser configuration, and for determining the contents of the new configuration by copying one of the existing Node Browser configurations.
Manage Node Browser configurations Displays the Browser Options dialog box, where you can rename or edit any or all of the current Node Browser configurations and determine default configurations.
Displays a menu of options that can be applied to the current selection of nodes (in the right pane of the Node Browser). You can Cut, Copy, Paste, or Delete nodes as well as Import New Node.
Import New Node Displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse to a .dmi file and place it into the current Node Browser. The paragraph on Adding custom nodes to the Node Browser in this topic briefly describes how nodes for Statistica Data Miner can be created, and imported into the program. How to Write .svx Scripts for Data Miner contains specific details and examples on how to write Statistica Visual Basic scripts (example, to call Statistica analysis procedures and routines) for Statistica Data Miner, how do design a parameters (.dmi) file for the new script, and how to make those files available to the program, that is, how to insert them as a custom node into the Node Browser.