Create/Filter Single-Series Data Sources

Use this node to connect your input data source, to create single data sources from an input datasource with multiple continuous dependent variables. The analyses for the General Forecaster and Time Series expect single time series as input. Missing data will also be replaced in as requested by the user.

Missing Data

Element Name Description
Replace missing data Specifies how missing data is to be replaced. Missing data can be replaced by the overall mean, interpolated from adjacent points, replaced by the mean or median of N adjacent points (on both sides of the hole), or estimated (predicted) from linear trend regression.

 Note that as long as the missing data are at the end of the series (trailing missing data) or the beginning of the series (leading missing data), the missing data will simply be ignored.
Number of adjacent points Applicable if missing data are replaced by the mean or median of N adjacent points; specify N.

 The missing data are replaced by the mean or median computed from the N adjacent points on both sides of the hole of missing data.