Classification Trees - Enter Values for the Prior Probabilities

Select the User spec. option button under Prior probabilities on the Classification Trees Startup Panel - Methods tab to display the Enter values for the prior probabilities dialog box.

In this dialog box, enter the desired a priori probabilities for each class of the dependent variable in the respective boxes. If the entered values do not add to 1.0, Statistica will proportionately adjust the specified values.

This dialog box is automatically displayed only the first time priors are set to user defined (i.e., the User spec. option button is selected); thereafter, click the accompanying settings button to display the dialog box containing the previously specified values.

Element Name Description
OK Click the OK button to accept the values entered and return to the Methods tab.
Cancel Click the Cancel button to return to the Methods tab without specifying new a priori probabilities.
Common Value Use the Common Value box to specify a common value to use for all classes of the dependent variable.
Apply Click the Apply button to apply the value specified in the Common Value box to all classes of the dependent variable.